Ten Seven Drinking Related Lists of Ten
I honestly didn't have time for the last three.
Why my SO sucks when he drinks:
- He doesn't know when to stop
- He pee's around the house on liquor EVERY TIME
- Stays out too late (ditches me)
- Is useless that night
- Is useless the next day
- Gets rowdy
- Gets touchy
- Slurrs
- Gives me false 'marriage proposals'
- Has no shame
Why I suck when I drink:
- I get rowdy
- Hangovers
- Memory loss
- No sense of others personal space
- I eat, A LOT!
- My eyes look like sheep cunnys! Bahaha!
- Bad pictures
- I tend to give people my life story
- Gets mad at myself for wasting valuable reading time
- I can Be a bit mean.. (just a little)
My top TEN Drinking Reasons Excuses:
- But it's my best friends birthday
- Wedding shots
- So stressed out
- I deserve a night out
- I haven't been out in a while
- If he gets to go out so do I!
- Girls Night!
- Wine isn't actually drinking, gosh...
- but it a holiday!!
- But this is my friends-families only week home for a while
Ten Favorite Alcoholic Beverages:
- Galliot Wine
- Baby Champagne (pink)
- Tequila Rose
- Jello Shots
- Canadian Beer
- Corona
- Heniken
- Cheap Whiskey and 7Up
- Various Sweet Girly Shots
Ten Nasty shots I've made myself sick of:
- Fireball
- Sauza gold (but i love it)
- Jager Bombs
- Blow Jobs ;) haha
- B-52
- Sambuca
- Newfie Screech
- Vodka Jello shots
- Sour Puss
- Baja Rosa
Ten Types of Hangovers:
- I'm still Drunk Hangover (hiccup)
- The 'fuck' walking straight lines and eye foot coordination Hangover
- The Please Make It Stop Hangover
- The What In The Zeus Is Wrong With ME! Hangover
- Classic, I'm never drinking again Hangover
- The Dude Where's My Car
- The I need To quit drinking and figure my life out Hangover
- The 'The lights sounds and people of everyday life piss me off' Hangover
- The never getting out of bed Hangover
- The 'sinister stealth hangover' you wake up fine then a few hours later BOOM!
Ten Hangover Side Effects:
- Ass Mouth (thats right when you mouth tastes like ass)
- obvious headache
- a hate of general lighting that vampires would likely applaud
- The 'spins'
- Gut Rot
- Hangover Shits
- Dizziness
- Pasties (often goes hand in hand with ass mouth)
- Barfing
- The hate of all sounds even the drop of a pin can sound like minor explosions