Monday, 7 April 2014

My Awesome List of PROS vs. CONS of Drinking!

Want some cheese with that whine!

What's that saying, something about crying rivers and building bridges, Get Over It! That's me this weekend. I literally did nothing, Friday I went on skidoo to a few cabins had a Bacardi breezer, I woke up Saturday with all the muscles pulled in my back. In extreme pain. However, I don't want to talk about how I sat around for two days in bed crying, on pain meds. So...

Pros vs. Cons of drinking :

Con: Alcoholism! ...Obviously
Pro: Studies have shown it protects your heart. I won't begin to argue with scientists.

Pro: Increased confidence! Hey we can all use a little bit of that!
Con: Too much CONFIDENCE! We all see those people, sometimes we've been those embarrassing people.

Con: Hangovers! Bleh, no thanks. I've spent far too many sunny Sundays hiding in bed.
Pro: Can indeed help improve your social life! 

Pro: You get drunk and act like a idiot!
Con: You get drunk and act like and idiot...? 

Con: Its hard on the wallet!
Pro: It's easy on the soul! Helps you relax...

PRO: Drunk Sex ;) you know what I'm talking about !
CON: Too drunk to have sex -_-

Con: Way too many calories!
Con: Dehydrates your body resulting in bad skin etc...
Con: Increased memory loss!
Con: Drunk texting, messaging, calling people.
Con: Embarrassing Photos tagged on Facebook! 

I think I could continue with this one but obviously we see where it's going. I no longer see the light in drinking. If anyone thinks of some to add feel free to comment it!

My very own photographic, Facebook shared, reasons drinking and cameras don't mix!

Oh gosh, the advice I'd give myself five years ago.


Exactly what it looks like.. lol 


My wonderful SO

Kissing other girls.. I could've done a full page of these photos.

HAHAHA not as embarrassing for me.
I should mention these are photos I'm currently tagged in. I have no idea why I'm still tagged in them, they must have made it through my careful screening. There are plenty worse I've since deleted, un-tagged and reported. Even more that I was just simply too embarrassed to share here. Hope you Enjoyed!


  1. Cons: The negative effects are cumuative, alcohol can be a long hard fall. Beats the hell out of your body. Beats the hell out of your mind. Eats up your talents, pays you back with emptiness. Robs you of family, work, and time. After forty years of drinking I finally stopped a year and a half ago. I am so garteful to be sober. It's like being born again. But I wish to God I had never started. Best of everything to you. - Whistler

    1. Thank you for sharing, so far I don't regret ever drinking, I do however regret some mistake made while under the influence. I hope one day I can say the same that ill also be grateful for being sober. Best of luck with the rest of your journey.
