Sunday, 27 April 2014


Sometimes all you can do after you've taken a epic fall is to get back up dust yourself off and start over again. Never give up is my motto!

So, as you may well know, yesterday I created a punishment. Accepted the punishment as a challenge, and then yesterday maybe four hours after making the post I failed miserably! Here I am again hungover strung out feeling like a complete idiot AGAIN! Omy here we go....

First mistake leading to my demise. 

So a few friends came in town with their boyfriends bugging me to come down, my first mistake was showering they couldn't have dragged me out of bed (where yes! I did spend all of yesterday until 7, sue me! I take breaks when I can get them and have no Internet all week)  

Second mistake.

Showering. They very well couldn't decide to drag me out of bed in my pjs looking like a hot mess. (And just so you know, yes I did spend all yesterday up until 7 pm in bed. I took a day off of life, sue me lol) so, yes I did agree to hanging out for a hour before they went to the bar.

Third mistake.

No explanation needed. Just one itty bitty shotty shot, they cooed. You'll be alright they said just one.

...and that's how I ended up half in the bag and out the door off to the bar. It's not easy. The peer pressure is not easy to deal with. I'm 22 and right now that's what the 22 year olds do, they drink they party and have a lot of drunken fun. They don't sit home blogging about quitting drinking at 22. I had a great time. Drank wayyyyyy too many shots of sauza gold and wayyyyyyy too many beer. My hangover is a killer. I ate a late night meal after getting home from the bar which doesn't go in line with my workout at all! oh my. 

Look at us! Ou la la! Tres beau haha pretty bitches ;)

Well since I FAILED my punishment MISERABLY! I have a new punishment. No alcohol for two weekends. So, here we go again....

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Happy Resurrection Day ?!

P.S. sorry I missed last week I promise I have two very good reasons for not posting.

Reason #1. 

My first reason is this girl right here! This is my girl! Her name is Aaliyah-Rose she's my baby! So, Sunday morning when I woke up and should've been Easter egg hunting or even writing my post I was instead rushing to the hospital with this girl. A regular flu all week, then bam! Temperature rises to a shocking 104 degrees F. It was not pretty its just over a hour drive to the nearest hospital, I was worried sick. Turns out she had a lung infection coming on so I'm very glad I went with her. It's a week later and her meds are all taken and she's still out there coughing up a lung. It's a bad flu.

Reason #2.

Today was also my beautiful little nieces first Easter and her christening day! The church service started at three I made it back from the hospital and was in the church by 3:04 so I never did too bad considering. I was her 'godmother' or as they now call us 'sponsors'. I was pretty proud to be part of her big day! 

I just want to mention a few things now about the whole church thing. For all you who aren't Christians, Easter is celebrated because its when Jesus died on the cross he was buried in the tomb and then came back to life, ergo my title happy resurrection day. It's a joke I like to say it when I go to my dads, he's really religious, I'm not as religious. Thank you Jesus for dying for our sins.

Another thing I'd like to mention, the reverend at the church service! He was hilarious. Honestly I haven't been to church all that often you'd think I'd have been more because of my dad being really religious but I haven't. Then I went on Easter Sunday, oh man, he was up talking about bad governments and how modern day governments are the same I was roaring with laughter. Great guy! I'd probably go to a few more of his services just saying. Not bad at all. 

Down to the drinking portion of my week!

This week (actually last week) yes I did drink, I actually drank on a Thursday night. I was at my friends house and drank one beer while watching our show TVD, the vampire diaries, I'm obsessed. But, shame on me. And Friday night I was drinking, pretty sure I got hammered off of a small bottle of wine and two beer. Not even sure what happened there, because I know I can handle my booze, obviously my body made a joke of me last week. Then on Saturday night I can't remember what I did, I'm pretty sure I had a glass of brew with the old fellers, me and the man was down to the shed with all of his family aka the old fellers. Then I went to a friends house played skip-bo and had two beer and some wine. Still went home early, lucky I did, because my mom in law phoned, she was watching my kid, who started crying and asking for me. I went over the for the night, Easter sunday was the next morning. Sunday night, my SO and his best friend were out and about I decided to go home early, not my kind if company that's all. So early night in with my sick girly. Loves that girl.

Punishment !

So, the system I have is based on reward and punishment. I rewarded myself for good behaviour last week and damn it this week I didn't do well at all so I'm due for a punishment. 

Here's how I feel tho!

No drinking this weekend! None, zip, nada, zilch, zero! No matter what no alcohol! Even if the president comes and asks me to get wasted with him, NO! Even if I get invited to a super awesome weekend in Vegas with none other then Alice cooper, NO. Maybe the Jonas brothers, Miley Cyrus and the beibz show up at my house with a case of cold ones, NOPE no booze.

Challenge accepted!

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Oh! Wasn't that a PARTY!

First, I'd like to say my reward system is deffinetly flawed.
It goes like this, recognition, reasonable expectations, follow through and if accomplished you get a reward. My reward for not drinking any this week even tho pressured to do so, was a night at the bar. (Something I haven't done in a while.) Now here's where the reward system is completely FUCKED UP, my reward is to have a hangover? This morning, after a awesome dance last night, I find myself lying on the floor with the worse case of 'blender brain' I've ever experienced. So, if my thoughts are messy today, please, forgive me.

Heres how I went from here...

The ladies ! <3 Haven't seen them in a while due to no drinking.

To here...

Notice the two pimples that materialized In 4 hours.

Let me just start by saying I've never felt more missed or loved then I did last night. Honestly I walked in the bar and I had so many people actually come up to me and say they haven't seen me in a while, and that they missed seeing me around. Even people saying I was doing a great job with cutting back. Now, here's the thing I'm not broadcasting the fact that I'm cutting out drinking, so for people to actually notice that I have been, without me having to say that's what I'm doing is amazing/weird. People were smiling at me dragging me up for dances, buying me beer. It was as if they hadn't seen me in years. It made me feel great that others have noticed. Also, not one person asked me if I was pregnant LOL usually in small towns if your not drinking or quitting drinking, you must infact be pregnant. Don't you just love gossip!

I really love my town and all the people in it tho, they really know how to make a girl smile. Population of 2000 (maybe) and about half of those I genuinely care for even when they're being nosey bastards! (Lol)

I'm not sure how much I drank last night, I'm guessing four or five beer before the bar at Sams house waiting for the sitter and doing our hair. Then, as soon as I got to the bar I headed for the dance floor, after being stopped for hugs and chats about a dozen times. You can't have beer on the dance floor and I was on the dance floor just about the whole night, well either there or in the washroom peeing. So, I don't think I went too overboard. Also, I stuck to beer. Overall not bad maybe 10 beer all night until 3am.

As with every drunk night the walk from the bar to home is a pain in the ass. Especially when your drunk boyfriend who outweighs you by double has to be practically carried home. Even worse when the drunk boyfriend starts throwing dirty drunken slurs about things in the past, then you both start a foolish argument slurring at each other looking like idiots, and the next day you remember nothing about it. That was fun.

After around four hours sleep, two glasses of water, one cup of tea, a tylenol and some dinner, I'm still laid here on the floor constructing a messy blog of thoughts. Sorting through blender brain is not a easy task. I have shit to do today, I do not have time for hangovers. But boy did I have a good time last night.

Was it worth it?


Next goal?

Dancing at the bar, with one beer, the whole night. Not a simple task folks. But we shall see how it goes. 

With that said this post is officially done. Ill leave u now with this cute video of how I picture myself dancing at the bar. 

Monday, 7 April 2014

My Awesome List of PROS vs. CONS of Drinking!

Want some cheese with that whine!

What's that saying, something about crying rivers and building bridges, Get Over It! That's me this weekend. I literally did nothing, Friday I went on skidoo to a few cabins had a Bacardi breezer, I woke up Saturday with all the muscles pulled in my back. In extreme pain. However, I don't want to talk about how I sat around for two days in bed crying, on pain meds. So...

Pros vs. Cons of drinking :

Con: Alcoholism! ...Obviously
Pro: Studies have shown it protects your heart. I won't begin to argue with scientists.

Pro: Increased confidence! Hey we can all use a little bit of that!
Con: Too much CONFIDENCE! We all see those people, sometimes we've been those embarrassing people.

Con: Hangovers! Bleh, no thanks. I've spent far too many sunny Sundays hiding in bed.
Pro: Can indeed help improve your social life! 

Pro: You get drunk and act like a idiot!
Con: You get drunk and act like and idiot...? 

Con: Its hard on the wallet!
Pro: It's easy on the soul! Helps you relax...

PRO: Drunk Sex ;) you know what I'm talking about !
CON: Too drunk to have sex -_-

Con: Way too many calories!
Con: Dehydrates your body resulting in bad skin etc...
Con: Increased memory loss!
Con: Drunk texting, messaging, calling people.
Con: Embarrassing Photos tagged on Facebook! 

I think I could continue with this one but obviously we see where it's going. I no longer see the light in drinking. If anyone thinks of some to add feel free to comment it!

My very own photographic, Facebook shared, reasons drinking and cameras don't mix!

Oh gosh, the advice I'd give myself five years ago.


Exactly what it looks like.. lol 


My wonderful SO

Kissing other girls.. I could've done a full page of these photos.

HAHAHA not as embarrassing for me.
I should mention these are photos I'm currently tagged in. I have no idea why I'm still tagged in them, they must have made it through my careful screening. There are plenty worse I've since deleted, un-tagged and reported. Even more that I was just simply too embarrassed to share here. Hope you Enjoyed!

Friday, 4 April 2014

To binge or not to binge?

My mom always told me too much of anything is never good. She never told me anything so true in all my life. 

The weekend past I never posted my usual blog entry on Sunday. There's a reason for that. I was too busy out getting drunk. Albeit I had fun, but I'm so upset with myself I broke my own pact. 

It all started...

Friday night:

I was set on spending time with my boyfriend so instead of doing the usual and hanging out with my best friend, I left early opting out to hang out with my boyfriend and his best friend. As usual, they were drinking beer. I was offered a beer, I accepted after a while. That's wasn't so bad, then more company came along. So, my plans to go home early got cancelled and I drank another two beer trying to hurry the "lets go home" process.


Went sledding with my boyfriend and his friends/family/my friends. We ended up at a few cabins where drinking and wood stove cooking is the only thing to do. I had four or five beer. Then we went home seen some wildlife. 

Here's when I started thinking, I've been drinking two nights in a row. Maybe I should just go on one big binge drunk and get it out of my system, have one night of incredible fun. I was telling myself its okay to, let go, sometimes, it's not going to hurt me to have a few beers. So, that's what I did...


Another day with my boyfriend, is another day of drinking beer. We went to my oasis, a beautiful little fishing village only accessible by boat, skidoo, or if your a trooper like myself you can walk there. There was a huge crowd of us mostly 'old fellers'. Everyone's drinking a beer sharing a laugh, a few stories going around. It's a beautiful day I'm stationed for the night, so I grabbed a few beers visited some camps and let the drunk begin. 

As the night led on everyone started heading out I already had a few beer in me. Staying the night it was me, my boyfriend and his friend. The goal is to drink as fast as you can before all the beers are gone, once there gone, there's no more coming. The nearest store is a hours skidoo ride away. So, we played some scat, drank some beer, a lot of beer, listened to some country music on the only radio station available and eventually headed to bed. I don't even remember going to bed. Don't remember how much I drank. One minute we were playing cards the next minute everyone was off to bed, I lost some time in between. 



Time to go back to town, the skidoo ride home was less then stellar. Terrible weather, crossing ocean ice pans on skidoo quite literally, not prime conditions, especially when you have a lingering hangover... Oops! 

Anyways, that night I went to Ashley's for a little while told my boyfriend to pick me up I.  Hour when he came to pick me up low and behold he brought company his friend, whom I can't get rid of, and what's that yet another case of beer. At this point I'm sick of actually seeing beer. It's so hard to be around people you love when your trying to cut down on drinking especially when they're always drinking. It's annoying and unessesary, and yet again! I broke down! I had another beer. 

That weekend, I failed. If you can't beat em join em right?...


I had a talk with my boyfriend on the way home. I told him about my blog and about how I seriously wanted to slow down, I told him he should slow down, I asked him to try and be supportive. There was more of the blah blah blah and at this point I'm hoping he try's.