Saturday, 31 May 2014

On a Positive Note!

I have a new Puppy!!!! Named him after my best friend, (no, not you ashley) WHISKEY!

I know, I know! He's just the cutest! He's cuddly and fat and he pee's everywhere and he's just wonderful wouldn't trade him up for all the other whiskey in the world! We love him soooo much.

Heres my daughters new family picture she drew.

The tall one with hair is ME, the tall bald one is her Dad (lol). The small on on the left is my daughter, next over is my daughters best friend Ashton, whom she loves and misses and wishes her mom would move back with her! (Dammit Kyla bring her back LOL) and then the circle with legs is Whiskey! 


Break out the Tiny Violins!

I've officially gone off the deep end


First and foremost, I'd like to give my sincerest apologies for making a mockery of bloggers everywhere, I haven't posted to my blog in almost 3 weeks? Yeah, I've been slightly busy... drinking. Here it goes.


Mothers Day! so technically mothers day wasn't until sunday, who give's a shit I went out saturday and sunday! I never even spent mothers day with my child how's that for backwards thinking/doing. Here's what I should have been at...

kissing this cutie!
What I was actually at was the bar. 

friends posts, looking back I feel like a fraud


Week number two was an exciting one. Honestly I drank a lot! It was May 2-4 weekend! It's a time old tradition to go out to lomond river lodge and drink our socks off. This is one tradition that will be super hard to break. 

Friday Night
The Girls took off to the dance! It was amazeballs, we had a blast without the guys. Had some iffy looking bikers buying us shots all night, my friend Sam shes on the left, she attracts the weirdos, before the night began she was voted least likely to get shots paid for. PROVED US WRONG! She just stood there like a good "weirdo magnet" attracting people who would buy us booze. In all honesty tho, they were a great group of guys! Funny, nice, charming, the weird part was what they seen in us to actually buy us drinks. We're a bunch of freaks. LOL

Saturday Night
Again, this time with my man and his best friend, and one of my friends Marla! Also, a awesome time! not even sure what time we got back to my house. Honestly don't remember much, what I do remember was buying sandwiches at the bar and one going missing. Someone stole my f'ing sandwich! 
(haha) Good times tho!


Hold up! I'm missing a weekend in my memory... I know last weekend I spent a lot of time at the bar a friend came home from alberta, blah blah blah... not even my friend it was my SO's friend. That was saturday night!

Friday night I was with this hot piece of gear

Me and Ashley WINOS! (lol) everyone needs Galliot in their life. Mmmm. Love ya bish!


The fourth week which I actually thought was the third week, being this weekend as in what I did last night. As in make a bloody fool of myself again...

So out with my SO and his best friend drinking beers shooting shit you know the usual, starts getting slightly tipsy and what should me and the man start to argue about in front of his buddy but our marital issues. I won't go into too much detail but it's the same argument we always have even sober i know I'm right, everyone else know's I'm right, but my drunk ass only wants to argue about it when I'm drinking. He says "oh she must be drunk again, she's starting to talk stupid..." 

Well darling, I may sound stupid talking about it when I'm drunk but completely sober I realize he's a tool. Ugh, relationship problems!

Thank-you alcohol for being my worst enemy and best friend.

Sunday, 4 May 2014


and the Piece de Resistance!
fresh crab!!!!!!!!

I just had a successful NO DRINKING week! I went for a barbecue at a friends where everyone was drinking, stayed out until 4 in the morning and never had one ounce of alcohol! High Five to me.

I also spent my weekend going for walks and had more temptation to drink when I was offered wine at a friends house, I politely turned it down. I am doing good this week!

I did have a awkward run in with a friend though, I was at my besties babyshower and another friend asked me whether I was drinking this weekend or going to the bar. I said "No, I no longer go to the bar and I hardy ever drink." She gave me this look like, pssht, yea right, who are you trying to kid. She said, "I'm not stupid Talia." So, I said, "no seriously I'm cutting back drinking. When was the last time u seen me at the club?" she said, "Oh yeah good one, because I don't go out anymore and you know  haven't seen you at the bar in forever." and walks away. As if I couldn't cut back on drinking and quit going to the bar. Anyways she didn't believe me whatsoever. It was kind of funny.

If I succeed this week, I'm going to reward myself with something I'm not sure what yet not a drunk like I did last time but, I feel like I definitely deserve something when I finish my two weeks sober.

“It’s a great advantage not to drink

among hard drinking people.” 

 F. Scott FitzgeraldThe Great Gatsby

Anyone with accomplishments of their own this week feel free to comment them so we can celebrate together! Every accomplishment should go noticed and be celebrated!

Whale worth the drive!

In my tiny town Trout River there is big news and when I say big I mean, a blue whale washed up on shore and its fricking huge! BIG. it dies underneath the ice 9 blue whales in total and we had the pleasure of one gigantic bloated creature visiting our beach.

Theres currently a big debate on what to do with the whale, keep it and get funding to foot the bill for a tourist museum, or give it away to a Ontario museum let them do all the work and foot the costs. Its hard to say.

My opinion... As a town population 600 with a council budget of $330,000 and the job to remove/preserve the bones of the blue whale coming in at $250,000 we obviously don't have the cash. when asked for help we got the reply that it was our problem deal with it... so no funding. I say we should give it away to the Royal Ontario Museum, but ask that we have a place in their museum dedicated to our town/park/UNESCO site, to attract tourism through them. We can still place in our own museum about the whale and where to find the bones. best of both worlds.

There are people all over the world coming to see this whale in our small town. Its being blown up over hundreds of news stations over the world. I have clips from england, edmonton, even the toronto star. Its quite fasinating!

Me and my friend Ashley decided to take a five minute walk down the boardwalk and see our famous new neighbor. Here are our pics ;)

Aren't we cool ! 

...And here are a few links to news articles on our blue whale/town, but if you need any information you can always comment below, Ill answer any and all questions.